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The master race (German: dead Herrenrasse , < i> das Herrenvolk Ã, ) is a concept in Nazi and Neo-Nazi ideology in which the Nordic or Aryan races, dominant among Germans and other northern Europeans, are considered the highest in the racial hierarchy.

Nazi official Alfred Rosenberg believes that the Nordic race is descended from Proto-Aryans, which he believes prehistoric to live in the North German Plain and which ultimately comes from the lost continent of Atlantis. The Nazis claimed that the Nordics (now called the Germans), or Aryans as they sometimes call them, are superior to all other races. The Nazis believed they were entitled to expand territorially. This concept is known as Nordicism. The actual policies implemented by the Nazis resulted in the Aryan certificate, a form of official document required by law for all Reich residents is the "Aria Lesser" certificate (Kleiner Ariernachweis) which can be obtained through an Ahnenpass which requires the owner to track lineage through baptism, birth certificate or certified proof that all grandparents are "Aryan descendants".

The Slavs (together with Gypsies and Jews) are defined as inferior and non-Aryan races Untermenschen , and are therefore considered a danger to the "Aryan" or Germanic ÃÆ'Ã… "bermenschen the master race. According to the Nazi Secret Plan of Hunger and the Common Plan of Ost , Slavic populations must be excluded from Central Europe by expulsion, slavery, famine and destruction, except for a minority deemed not to be descendants of Slavic descendants of German settlers, and therefore suitable for Germanization.

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The Ã…Æ'Ã… "bermensch (German) (English Overman or Superman ) is a concept in the philosophy of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche - he proposes ÃÆ'berbermensch mankind to govern itself in his book of 1883 So Spoke Zarathustra (German: Also Sprach Zarathustra ). However, Nietzsche never developed the basic concept of racism. On the contrary, ÃÅ"bermensch "seems to be the ideal goal of spiritual development more than just biological purposes". Nazism distorts the true meaning behind the concept to fit its 'race' view.

At the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, it is thought that the Indo-Europeans (generally referred to as Aryans) form the supreme branch of humanity because their civilization is technologically advanced. This reason is simultaneously associated with Nordicism which proclaimed the "Nordic race" as the "purest" form of the Aryan race. Today, this view is regarded as scientific racism as opposed to racial equality by claiming that one race is superior to all other races.


Eugenics came to play an important role in this racial thought as a way of enhancing and maintaining the purity of the Aryan race race. Eugenics is a concept held by many thinkers in the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s, such as Margaret Sanger, Marie Stopes, HG Wells, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Madison Grant, ÃÆ' â € ° mile Zola, George Bernard Shaw, John Maynard Keynes, John Harvey Kellogg, Linus Pauling, and Sidney Webb. The kind of "dog and pony" human event (hosted by supporters of eugenics), where men and women appear on stage in swimsuits in eugenic competitions (only Nordic Aryans allowed to enter) to be evaluated for their physical and mental qualities as marriage partners , common throughout Europe and North America in the 1920s. The Nazis brought this concept to an extreme degree further by forming a program to systematically genetically improve the Nordic Aries themselves through the Nazi egenetic program, under the eugenic law of the state of California, USA, to create a super race.


The modern concept of the master race generally comes from the 19th century racial theory, which presupposes racial hierarchy based on darkness of skin color. The concept of the 19th century was originally developed by Count Joseph Arthur De Gobineau. The basic concept of Gobineau, increasingly refined and developed in Nazism, places the native Australians and Africans of the Equator under the hierarchy, while the North and West Europeans are white (composed of German, Swedish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish, English, Irish , Netherlands, Belgium, and Northern France) are at the top; white South Europeans (composed of French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, and Greek, those who are called the Mediterranean race, who are regarded as another race of Caucasians) at the top of the middle ranks; and the Semitic race and the Hamitic race (supposedly Caucasian race race) are in the middle row (that's because the Jews, who are Semitic, are clever that they are very dangerous - they have their own plans for the Jewish world of domination, a conspiracy that all Aryans must oppose the wise, declared the Nazis). Slavs like Poland and Russia are not considered Aryan; and the Mongoloid race (including the Malayan race, the American Indian race) and mixed races such as Eurasia, Mestizos bronze, Mulattos, Afro-Asian, and Zambos in the lower middle rank. However, Japan is regarded as Aryan of honor.

In an attempt to scientifically prove the racial inferiority of the Slavs, German (and Austrian) racial scientists were forced to ignore the findings of those who consistently found that Early Slavs were dolicocephalic and blonde, ie, "Nordic", while the Southern Slavik "Dinaric" sub -ras are often seen as profitable. The Nazis used the term "Slavic race", and regarded Slavs as non-Aryan. The Slavic concept "Untermensch" goes alongside political goals, and is primarily aimed at Polish and Russian people. The main objective of Germany is to realize them Drang nach Osten to conquer in Europe, the land of "chernozem" (black land) Ukraine became a highly desirable zone for colonization by "Herrenvolk" (the main race).

With respect to the purity of the Nazi race, writer and historian Lucy Dawidowicz writes:

In the hierarchy of Nazi racism, "Aryan" is a superior race, destined to rule the world after the destruction of their racial, Jewish rivals. The lower races in which Germany will rule include Slavs - Poland, Russia, Ukraine.... Hitler's policy of association with Slavs, as far as being formulated, is "depopulation." Slavic people should be prevented from producing, except to provide the continued supply of labor slaves. "

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' Race master 'in the United States

In the United States, the concept of 'race master' emerged in the context of master slave-race relations in historical, slavery-based American societies - particularly in the South in the mid-19th century. It is based on pseudo-scientific experience of slavery and pseudo-scientific justification for racial slavery, but also on the relationship between whites in the South and North, particularly during the American Civil War.

Benjamin W. Leigh, representing Virginia in the United States Senate, said in a 19 January 1836 speech:

It has existed in Virginia as a desire to abolish slavery as it is where it is today. It began with the Revolution, and many of our most influential and most influential people in recommending it, and in designing a plan for its accomplishment. The legislature encourages and facilitates emancipation by the owners, and many slaves are so emancipated. Relying on the justice court is always in favorem libertatis . This disposition continues until impracticality affects general emancipation, with no irreparable damage to the main race, and the danger of total destruction of others, and the adverse consequences of partial emancipation, becomes too obvious to the Legislature, and most of the people, for longer ignored.

The Oxford English Dictionary mencatat bahwa William J. Grayson menggunakan frasa "master race" dalam puisinya The Hireling and the Slave (1855):

where the phrase shows the relationship between the white master and the negro boy. In 1860, Virginian writer George Fitzhugh used the "challenging words of race", which soon became far more meaningful than the employer-slave relationship. Fitzhugh, along with a number of southern writers, used the term to distinguish the Southern people from the North, based on the dichotomy that the South was considered to be the descendants of the Normandy/Cavalier while the North was Anglo-Saxon/Puritan descent.

In 1861, the southern press boasted that the Northern army would "face the master race" and knowledge of this fact would cause the Northern soldiers to "tremble". The Richmond Whig in 1862 declared that "the continent's master race was found in the southern country", and in 1863 Richmond Examiner declared that "there was a race of slaves born to serve, master the race born to rule ".

In the works of John H. Van Evrie, a supporter of the Confederate North, the term is interchangeable with white supremacy, especially in Supremacy of White and Negro Subordination, Or, Negro Subordinate race and (so called) normal slavery conditions (1861). In Subgeneasi: theory of normal race relationships; answer to miscegenation (1864) Van Evrie coined the word "subgen" to describe what he regarded as the "inferior race" and "subgeneation" to describe the 'normal' relationship of the inferior race to the whites, something he regarded as " the cornerstone of democracy "; but these words never entered the dictionary.

The racial term Untermensch comes from the title of the 1945 book Lothrop Stoddard Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under-man . It was later adopted by Nazi from the German version of the book Der Kulturumsturz: Die Drohung des Untermenschen (1925). A proponent of US immigration law favored by Northern Europe, Stoddard writes primarily on alleged dangers posed by "colored" people for white civilization, with his most famous book The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy in 1920. Alfred Rosenberg was the Nazi leader who linked the concept of East-Europe "under man" with Stoddard. As the leader of the Nazi Party's racial theories, Rosenberg oversaw the construction of a racial "ladder" of humanity that justifies Hitler's race and ethnic policies. Referring to the Russian communist, Rosenbeg writes in his book "Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts" (1930) that "this is the kind of man called Lothrop Stoddard as 'under man.'" ["... Lothrop Stoddard als 'Untermenschen' bezeichnete. "]

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The origin of the Nazi version of the master race theory lies in the 19th century racial theory of Count Joseph Arthur De Gobineau, who argues that culture degenerates when different races mingle. It is believed at this time that the people of Southern Europe are racially mixed with non-European Europeans across the Mediterranean, while Northern Europeans and Western Europeans remain pure. The proponents of Nordic theory further claim that the Nordic community has developed innate toughness and determination due to the harsh and challenging climate in which they evolved.

The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was one of the early proponents of the theory that presents a model of hierarchical race history, attributing the virtues of civilization to the "white race" that gained their sensitivity and intelligence with refinement in the tight north.

The highest civilizations and cultures, apart from the ancient Indians and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white race; and even with many dark nations, the ruling caste or race is more colorful than others and, therefore, clearly immigrated, for example, Brahmins, Incas, and rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this because the need is the mother of discovery because the tribes who emigrated early to the north and there gradually become white, must develop all their intellectual powers and create and perfect all the arts in their struggle with the needs, desires and tribulations, which in various their form is caused by climate. This they must do to redeem parsimony of nature and from it all comes their high civilization.

Nonetheless, he vigorously opposes the different treatment of the race, is very anti-slavery, and supports abolitionist movements in the United States. He describes the treatment of "innocent black brothers who have been brought into force and injustice into the grip of the devil [slaveowner]" as "the darkest courtesy of the criminal record of mankind".

Hans Frank, Hitler's personal lawyer, stated that Hitler brought copies of Schopenhauer's World Book as Will and Representation with him wherever he went during World War I.

The excellence postulated by these people is said to make them born as leaders, or "main race". Other authors including Guido von List, his colleague Lanz von Liebenfels, and Houston Houston Houston Stewart Chamberlain-born Houston racial theorists all feel that the white race in general and the Germans are especially superior to others, and that purifying both the white and the Germans of other races who "pollute" them, the new millenarian age of the Aryan gods will arrive.

The Nazi policy emphasizes the superiority of the Nordic Nordic race, the racial white Caucasian race subculture defined by the anthropometric model of racial differences. The Nordic race is said to consist only of the Germans: Scandinavia and other Nordic countries (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic, and Faroe), ethnic German (including Austria, Banat Swabia, and Sudeten, Baltic and Volga Germany), Swiss Alemannic, Liechtensteiners, Luxembourgers, Dutch, Flemings, Afrikaners, Frisians and English.

The Nazi racial thinker Hans F. K. GÃÆ'¼nther first defines "Nordic thinking" in his program book Der Nordische Gedanke unter den Deutschen . The fact that the German is not pure Nordic is recognized by GÃÆ'¼nther in his book Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes (1922) ("German Racial Science"), in which he describes Germans made all of the five categories of European races: Nordic , Mediterranean, Dinaric, Alpine, and East Baltic. Most of the official Nazi commentary on the Nordic race is based on Gogener's work, and Alfred Rosenberg presents GÃÆ'¼nther with a medal for his work in anthropology.

Although the physical ideal of these racial theorists is usually a tall, blond, bright-eyed Nordic individual, such theorists accept the fact that a considerable amount of hair and eye color variations exist in the racial categories they recognize. For example, Adolf Hitler and many Nazi officials have black hair and are still considered members of the Aryan race under the Nazi racial doctrine, because the determination of one's racial type depends on the dominance of many characteristics in the individual rather than on only one defining feature.

Hitler and Himmler plan to use the SS as a basis for the "racial" regeneration of Europe after the last victory of Nazism. SS will be a racial elite selected based on "pure" Nordic qualities.

Giuseppe Sergi (1841-1936) was an Italian anthropologist in the early 20th century, best known for his opposition to Nordicism in his books on the racial identity of ancient Mediterranean society. His concept of the Mediterranean race became important for the modeling of racial differences in the early 20th century.

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Aryanism and Nazism

The term Arya comes from the Sanskrit (rya) word, derived from arya , native Indo-Iranian origin. Also, the word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of Arya (see also Iranian people).

Following the ideas of Gobineau and others, Nazi theorist Alfred Rosenberg determined that these people, who, according to him, were from Atlantis, were dynamic people living in the northern climate of the prehistoric Northern German Plain, from which they migrated to the southeast by boarding their trains, eventually reaching Ukraine, Iran, and then India. They were supposed to be ancestors of ancient Germanic tribes, who shared the values ​​of their knights. Rosenberg claims that Christianity is a slave-alien Semitic morality which is not appropriate for the Aryan race of warriors and he thus supports the melange aspects of Hinduism Vedic and Zoroastrian teachings (both of these religions have been organized by the Aryan), along with the pre-Christian European paganism of the Odinistic , which he also considered to be different in the character of Aria.

In Nazi Germany, the Nuremberg Race Law of 1935 prohibited sexual intercourse and marriage between "Aryans" and "non-Aryans" to maintain the purity of the Aryan race. Such a relationship becomes a punishable crime known as Rassenschande or "racial shyness". The German girls' league is specifically seen as instructing girls to avoid Rassenschande, which is treated very important for young women. The Aryans found guilty of this crime may face prison in concentration camps, while non-Aryans may face the death penalty. The Nazis acknowledged the Germans as the main race, and some policies were applied to enhance and defend the Germanic-Nordic ernenschen Aryanic races, including the practice of eugenics. To eliminate "flawed" citizens, the T-4 Euthanasia Program was awarded by Karl Brandt to exclude intellectually-disabled countries or those born with genetic deficiencies, as well as those deemed low-race. In addition, a compulsory sterilization program is required which results in forced operations performed on hundreds of thousands of individuals. Many of these policies are generally seen as related to what eventually became known as the Holocaust.

The Nazis also took steps to increase the number of Nordic people in Germany. The Lebensborn program is only open to German women who fit the Nordic profile. During the Nazi occupation of Poland, the Nazis took Polish-looking Polish children who were classified as descendants of German settlers to determine whether they were "very valuable". If that is the case, young people are brought back to these Lebensborn houses so they can be raised as Germans.

In Nazi Germany, there is an official document stating that the owner is Aryan, called Aya certificate which can also be obtained by other citizens. This states in the Race Tenet section ( Rassegrundsatz ):

In line with the national socialist thought that is absolutely fair to all others, there is never an expression of superior racial or inferior mixing, but alien.

For the Greater Aryan certificate one must prove that it reaches back to January 1, 1800 " no father or ancestor of their parents has Jewish or colored blood " (SS officer has to prove this reaches back to 1750).

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Mediterranean Racing

The fact that the Mediterranean race is responsible for the most important ancient western civilization is a problem for Nordic superiority promoters. According to Giuseppe Sergi, the Mediterranean race is "the greatest race of the world" and is especially responsible for the most successful civilizations of antiquity, including Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Phenicia, Carthage, and Rome. The Mediterranean race is also a great influence for the outside world in the modern era: Portugal established the first global empire in history, during the 16th century, followed contemporary by Spain, establishing the two countries in the power of the highest political and economic power in Europe.

CG Seligman also states that "should, I think, be acknowledged that the Mediterranean race actually has more achievements for its credit than any other race, as it is responsible for most Mediterranean civilizations, of course before 1000 BC (and perhaps long later) not just the Aegean culture, but also the West and most of the Eastern Mediterranean region, while the culture of their close relative, Egyptian pre-dynasty Hamitic, forms the basis of Egypt. "

The Nazis explain this by pointing out that the original Latin and Greek people were the Nordic Indo-European tribes who had migrated to Italy and Greece. The Nazis also claim that the Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms are an example of Nordic power because, at that time, their government was run by German Visigothic descendants who had attacked before. However, they recognize that the masses for these four civilizations are the Mediterranean. And Germany of all European races is classified as Aryan.

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Race master in fiction

The ideology of the Aryan race is common throughout all educated and educated layers of the Western world until after World War II. Such theories are commonplace in fantasy literature early in the 20th century.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the original story of Buck Rogers and newspaper cartoon Buck Rogers in his twentieth-century adventure on Earth, a fight for Aryan-Americans from the free zone around Niagara, New York, against the Red Mongol Empire, the future Chinese empire that ruled much of North America.

In the 1930s, educational books and stories for children in Germany taught readers about the main race. In the science-fiction series Sun Koh, Koh's protagonist says things like "My ancestors are Arya," and in a story about Atlantis, he says, "If our Atlantis once again rises from the sea, then we will get from there, men who are blond and hard with pure blood and will create a ruling race, which will eventually overwhelm the earth. "The German writer Michael Ende, born in 1929 and grew up reading such books, wrote his classic novels Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver in the 1950s, as a way of opposing Nazi propaganda he was taught. Author Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Julia Voss wrote a book about Jim Button, revealing many Ende references to the Nazi symbol in the book. Voss shows how Ende enhances the Nazi belief that Atlantis is the original home of the Aryan race by creating its own drowning city and making it rise, but not to restore the rules of the Aryan races over the earth, but to a multi-racial paradise. with Jim Button, who is black and descended from Magi Caspar, as his king.

In the film 1948 Rope by Alfred Hitchcock, one of the central figures, Brandon Shaw, is a person who believes in racial ideology.

In the Doctor Who, the enemies of the frequent Doctor, Daleks, consider themselves the main race that must cleanse the universe from all others; Terry's nation explicitly modeled them on the Nazis. In the year 2009 special End Time , when the Master transformed the whole human race into a copy of himself, he claimed that there is no human race, but only â € Å"ras Utamaâ €.

In the Harry Potter series, while its parallels are not originally deliberate, there are many similarities between the ancient ideology of Voldemort and the ideology of the Nazi race, with "pure" wizards and anyone with Muggle blood (considered to be "half blood" or "mudblood" , a word that is treated in the same way as racial slurs will be treated in the real world (Neo-Nazis call non-white people mud people ).

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See also

  • Minority model

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  • Longerich, Peter (2010). Holocaust: Nazi Persecution and Jewish Murder . Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-280436-5.
  • Snyder, Timothy (2010). Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin . New York: Basic Books. ISBN: 978-0-465-00239-9.
  • Yenne, Bill (2010). Master of Dark Arts Hitler: Himmler Black Knights and Origins Occult from SS . Minneapolis: Zenith. ISBN 978-0-7603-3778-3.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
